Wood Colony Old German Baptist Cemetery

Wood Colony Cemetery is located at 3511 Dakota Avenue between Beckwith and Murphy Roads.

In 1910 Stanislaus County had 22,522 inhabitants. In 1994 the population had grown to 417,200. The Wood Colony-community and cemetery-has been an important part of the history of this region.

General Information

This cemetery is owned by the German Brethren Baptist Church and is governed by a ten member board of trustees. Each trustee has a complete record book of the cemetery and these are maintained by yearly updating.

The appearance of this cemetery is always excellent. Each grave is marked by a tombstone, a cemetery requirement.

The location at 3511 Dakota Avenue is clearly marked by a gateway arch bearing the name Wood Colony Cemetery.

Cemetery History

A brief history of Wood Colony community and cemetery, as recorded by Lowell H. Beachier on November 15th, 1995.

Ebenezer Wood(1823-1902) came from New York in 1849 to California. He was married in 1856 to Sarah Wiley (1841-1919) who also came from New York in 1855. They were the parents of five sons and one daughter. From 1869 until 1894, they farmed between Modesto and Salida on the west side of the Central (later Southern) Pacific Railway. This was 1,760 acres with the farm buildings near the corner of what became McDonald Avenue and Dakota Avenue (called Pennsylvania Avenue until 1904). They bought this land from Timothy Paige in 1884 and sold back to him in 1893. In 1902 Timothy Paige of San Francisco died, and Albert B. Shoemake and Ora McHenry bought the farm from his estate soon afterwards. In 1903 they sold the farm to William Graham, who sold it to John Zweep in 1906. His grandson Norman Vlach now resides on the farm (1996) and remnants of the old Wood Colony buildings are still standing.

This area became known as "Woodland" and "Wood Track", and then "Wood Colony". The area extended a larger circumference around the original farm. It extended north of Beckwith Road to land owned by Franklin C. Davis.

Franklin C. Davis (1838-1910) came to California in 1855 and settled at Salida in 1864. He was married to Rachel R. Covert (1848-1929) who came to California in 1856. They bought property on the south side of Salida in 1864 and 1879, and by 1906, they owned 800 acres.

As early as 1860s members of the German Baptist Brethren Church settled in Stanislaus County, mainly southwest of Salida in the Beckwith Road and Jackson Road vicinity, and also in the Standiford Avenue and McHenry Avenue vicinity. They worshipped in their homes and in a grove on Beckwith Road, also in the Salida Schoolhouse after it was build in 1878. Some of the early names were Shelley, Riggle, Garman, and Flory,and a maiden lady of the Beckwiths was also a baptized member. By 1886, most of these early members had moved away. They did have an organized congregation at Salida, and a larger one at Lathrop. In 18811883 time period, there was a division of the Brethren people, it became three separate distinctive groups.

One of the groups was the Old German Baptist Brethren Church. They came to Stanislaus County in May 1903 to look at property for sale with the irrigation prospects at hand. The first members arrived in July and August 1903, and settled on newly sub-divided farms on Shoemake Avenue and Beckwith Road. A.B. Shoemake and Ora McHenry encouraged them to settle in the area to start a new settlement. By March 1904, they begin to hold church services in their homes, and organized as the Wood Colony Congregation in November 1906. The early members came from Whittler and Coalinga areas, and then from eastern states.

By 1905, the church members felt they were here to stay, so decided to look into buying property for a meetinghouse (church) and a cemetery. Three trustees from the New River Church District near Los Nietos and Whittler in Los Angeles County, had moved to Stanislaus County. They were J.T. Gish, Henry Miller, and Harry L. Heinrich. On August 11, 1905, they bought two acres of lot 6 in section 14, for $120.00 from Albert B. Shoemake. The piece of property was east of Dakota Avenue on North Avenue, adjacent to the corner property of Mary L. Otey, who sold her farm to Nicholas and Lucinda Yourex on April 25, 1906. When the land was tested, it was found that the water level was too close to the surface and not suitable for graves or church property.

On August 3, 1909, the congregation appointed Jacob Cover, Trussie Gish, and Samuel E. Garber to look into suitable property since the first purchase was not used.

At that time, Dakota Avenue ended at Beckwith Road, and a small country road went from Beckwith Road up towards Salida on land that became the Graybill Wenger farm.

Franklin and Rachel Davis of Salida were approached by the Brethren, and on September 13, 1909, acreage was purchased from them for a building site and a cemetery site. Since no road was in the immediate area, Dakota Avenue was extended north of Beckwith to the railroad tracks and to Murphy Road.

The land description purchased from the Davis family was - "north east 1/4 quarter of section 10, township 3, south, range 8 east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian." It is recorded in volume 130 deeds, page 476, County of Stanislaus, Modesto, and signed by M. Luther Garber, Clarence Woodbridge, and Christie R. Cover.

On August 30, 1909, the two acre property was sold by Gish, Miller and Heinrich to Weston L. Yourex for $300.00.

On October 24, 1909 William Boyd age 55 years, passed away. This was the first death among the Brethren. Since the ground was not ready for burial purposes, he was buried in the Modesto Citizens Cemetery.

On January 8, 1910, a committee of John J. Wagoner, Weston H. Mohler, Jacob A. Cover, Samuel E. Garber, and Clarence L. Woodbridge, was appointed to plot out the area for the use of parking, church building, and cemetery. Jacob Cover drafted the layout plan.

The first burial was on March 1, 1912. It was an infant girl, daughter of Forest and Edna (Mohler) Byrer. The second death and burial was of Charles Rebman, who drowned on August 14, 1912, aged 24 years. The third death and burial was of Nicholas Yourex, who died from a fall on September 4, 1912.

In the winter of 1910-1911, a meetinghouse was built in front of the cemetery property. It was dedicated on April 9, 1911. The church was added onto twice afterwards, and burnt to the ground on September 1, 1932. The area has since been used for parking area for the cemetery. New meetinghousas were built elsewhere.

In May 1947 and again in July 1964, additional property was bought from Orvel Gish to enlarge the cemetery. The back part of the cemetery is still used in farming.

At first the Brethren took care of the property as a group. Then special care-takers were appointed. These have been George Boyd, Jesse W. Miller, Levi Bowman, and John Wolf, covering a span of over 60 years.

From 1909 until 1995, there have been 36 trustees on the cemetery board, usually 10 at a time. Walter Wise (1904-1995) served the longest from 1949 until 1989. There is an annual meeting of directors each January.

The cemetery is primarily used for members and families of the Old German Baptist Church. During the 1930's several burials took place for people that could not afford elsewhere. They were mainly people from Salida. A charter was drawn up in 1960 to keep it mainly for church families.

Since 1912 until April 1996 there have been 813 burials in Wood Colony Cemetery. The oldest person buried there was Dora (Brubaker) Frantz, who died November 10, 1990, at the age of 105 years, 11 months, and 13 days.

Since many of the Old German Baptist people came from other areas, a number have been shipped east to former home areas throughout the years. Also some of the members that passed away were taken south to the New River Cemetery at Whittier, and several have been buried at Lakewood Memorial Park, Hughson.

This, in brief, is a history of the Wood Colony Cemetery.

(Mr. Beachier added information in May 1996 to reflect additional research.)

Research Methods

This charming well kept cemetery located in the farm community of Wood Colony, has excellent records from the first burials to the present day. The records contain all birth and death information that is available on the markers, in the church archives (obituaries) and in a remarkable diary kept by the grandmother of Lowell Beachler. Mr. Beachler compared markers and records and reconciled any areas of disagreement. Because of the completeness and accuracy of these records and his work, it was decided not to record headstone information.


Appreciation is expessed to the following key individuals for their contributions to this account:

  • Ouida Fillebrown for her vision in starting this record preservation project.
  • Lowell Beachler for countless contributions. He provided the raw material for our input; he consulted Grandma 's diary and the church obituaries when a tough question arose; he wrote the fine history of the cemetery for this book; and he was always available with answers to our endless questions.
  • Wendy Olsen for doing the computer input with great accuracy and care.
  • Wayne Hasemeier for proofreading the names and dates.
  • Sandra Turner for proofreading, and to her husband Richard for the fine grid map of the cemetery.
  • The Cemetery Committee, Chairperson Wayne Hasemeier, members Dorothy Jenkinson, Sandra Turner and Millie Starr for efforts to complete this project.
  • The entire membership of the Genealogical Society of Stanislaus County, Inc. for sponsoring the publication of this piece of our history.


Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row A Gr. 1
Onkst, Norman Leroy9-Oct-0821-Feb-92N Sec. Row A Gr. 2
Gish, Leah Alice1-Mar-6524-Mar-67N Sec. Row A Gr. 3
Gish, Aaron David24-Dec-6117-May-63N Sec. Row A Gr. 4
Blocher, Monta DoraJun 03, 188323-Jun-63N Sec. Row A Gr. 5
Blocher, Daniel J.Mar 19, 188121-Jan-61N Sec. Row A Gr. 6
Wise, Annie MayApr 27, 18836-Sep-81N Sec. Row A Gr. 7
Wise, MoseMay 30, 1876Jine 07, 1963N Sec. Row A Gr. 8
Pollock, Mary ViolaDec 28, 189030-Sep-52N Sec. Row A Gr. 9
Pollock, Thomas HamiltonAug 21, 187514-Oct-70N Sec. Row A Gr. 10
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row B Gr. 1
Miller, Jesse Everett1-Jan-033-Sep-56N Sec. Row B Gr. 2
Hootman, Jacob GuyJul 05, 189615-Apr-82N Sec. Row B Gr. 3
Hootman, Lavora Myrtle1-Jul-0323-Feb-55N Sec. Row B Gr. 4
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row B Gr. 5
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row B Gr. 6
Bauman, Florence Mae14-Aug-309-Sep-62N Sec. Row B Gr. 7
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row B Gr. 8
Flora, Many ElizaOct 16, 188610-Aug-77N Sec. Row B Gr. 9
Flora, John H.17-Aug-796-Aug-54N Sec. Row B Gr. 10
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row B Gr. 11
Fisher, Oscar AbrahamOct 25, 188526-Dec-63N Sec. Row B Gr. 12
Blickenstaff, Stella PuckettMar 27, 188115-Feb-76N Sec. Row B Gr. 13
Howser, Mary CatherineOct 01, 187723-Oct-34N Sec. Row B Gr. 14
Howser, Daniel H.May 01, 187721-Dec-56N Sec. Row B Gr. 15
Flora, Allen Lee9-Nov-639-Nov-63N Sec. Row C Gr. 1
Cavender, Tina Marie25-Dec-7625-Aug-83N Sec. Row C Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row C Gr. 3
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row C Gr. 4
Thompson, Ervin Lee24-Jul-444-Jul-57N Sec. Row C Gr. 5
Bowman, Mary OliveAug 11, 1886Oct 15, 1879N Sec. Row C Gr. 6
Bowman, George OttoApr 17, 188811-Feb-60N Sec. Row C Gr. 7
Bowman, Cecila Irene31-Mar-6431-Mar-64N Sec. Row C Gr. 8
Stambaugh, Mae K.Feb 22, 187611-Sep-42N Sec. Row C Gr. 9
Stambaugh, William H.Aug 08, 18761-Dec-50N Sec. Row C Gr. 10
Ebersole, Nellie MaeNov 03, 187914-Aug-70N Sec. Row C Gr. 11
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row C Gr. 12
Crawmer, Harold William6-Sep-0911-Mar-63N Sec. Row C Gr. 13
Busler, Wesley Jacob11-Jun-2112-Sep-86N Sec. Row C Gr. 14
Busler, Jacob E.Mar 08, 18676-May-30N Sec. Row C Gr. 15
Marconett, MarthaFeb 16, 178920-Sep-71N Sec. Row D Gr. 1
Marconett, AmielMay 03, 187926-Jul-65N Sec. Row D Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row D Gr. 3
Shuler, Samuel EthieFeb 25, 18925-Dec-63N Sec. Row D Gr. 4
Fisher, HenryMar 16, 186931-Oct-42N Sec. Row D Gr. 5
Bauman, Olivia Gail15-Feb-4516-Sep-54N Sec. Row D Gr. 6
Bauman, Norman Paul24-Sep-1524-May-87N Sec. Row D Gr. 7
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row D Gr. 8
Cholez, Evelyn Jessie13-Feb-3016-Aug-75N Sec. Row D Gr. 9
Quillin, EilzaSep 14, 187610-Sep-39N Sec. Row D Gr. 10
Quillin, HenryJul 08, 187323-Mar-41N Sec. Row D Gr. 11
Fowler, Agnes Jessie6-Jun-117-May-71N Sec. Row D Gr. 12
Blom, Addie Victoria7-Mar-0024-Jun-53N Sec. Row D Gr. 13
Blom, SimonDec 25, 189521-Jun-29N Sec. Row D Gr. 14
Blom, Eva Esther27-Oct-281-Mar-29N Sec. Row D Gr. 15
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row E Gr. 1
Basore, Harry D.6-Aug-0518-Nov-67N Sec. Row E Gr. 2
Vance, Marvin W.6-Nov-252-Jan-39N Sec. Row E Gr. 3
Vance, Martha EllenJan 15, 187322-Oct-48N Sec. Row E Gr. 4
Vance, Marian F.Sep 19, 1869Sanuary 21, 1939N Sec. Row E Gr. 5
Bauman, Ernest CarlSep 20, 18935-Feb-38N Sec. Row E Gr. 6
Churchbaugh, Mary L.Aug 31, 18625-Nov-38N Sec. Row E Gr. 7
Churchbaugh, SamuelJul 30, 186123-Nov-41N Sec. Row E Gr. 8
Warner, Maggie LeotaJan 03, 18905-Jan-62N Sec. Row E Gr. 9
Neher, Kimberly Anne10-Jun-7431-Dec-82N Sec. Row E Gr. 10
Blom, BoukeDec 25, 188818-Jan-62N Sec. Row E Gr. 11
Blom, Henry A.26-Dec-2029-May-38N Sec. Row E Gr. 12
Blom, EdithMay 01, 1896Jamuary 27, 1935N Sec. Row E Gr. 13
Blom, Ernest I.26-Nov-3214-Dec-32N Sec. Row E Gr. 14
Blom, Isaac1-Jun-273-Feb-29N Sec. Row E Gr. 15
Potts, Spencer F.Apr 07, 18518-Nov-40N Sec. Row F Gr. 1
Potts, William S.Nov 08, 18469-Oct-38N Sec. Row F Gr. 2
Potts, Enoch B.Nov 01, 184417-Jun-37N Sec. Row F Gr. 3
Sturgis, Walter A.Nov 11, 188028-Jan-41N Sec. Row F Gr. 4
Van Norsdale, JacobMar 31, 18545-Dec-45N Sec. Row F Gr. 5
Perdue, J. Daniel187325-Mar-60N Sec. Row F Gr. 6
Bauman, Carl Andrew26-Dec-2230-Dec-77N Sec. Row F Gr. 7
Bauman, Otto LeroyJan 24, 189813-Jun-50N Sec. Row F Gr. 8
Bauman, Carrie M.Jun 28, 189026-May-42N Sec. Row F Gr. 9
Bauman, Herman L.26-Dec-276-Dec-31N Sec. Row F Gr. 10
Bauman, Arthur Agustus13-May-0419-Dec-82N Sec. Row F Gr. 11
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row F Gr. 12
Bauman, Donnabelle9-Mar-339-Mar-33N Sec. Row F Gr. 13
Bauman, Mary Jane21-Sep-3121-Sep-31N Sec. Row F Gr. 14
Bauman, Iva Ruth17-Nov-2823-Nov-28N Sec. Row F Gr. 15
Landes, Eva RuthAug 26, 189510-Oct-84N Sec. Row G Gr. 1
Landes, William EdgarSep 29, 189025-Nov-63N Sec. Row G Gr. 2
Davis, Elizabeth C.Aug 27, 187924-Mar-58N Sec. Row G Gr. 3
Davis, Emory LewisDec 10, 18772-Oct-62N Sec. Row G Gr. 4
McCray, ElizabethMar 30, 185817-Feb-37N Sec. Row G Gr. 5
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row G Gr. 6
Bowman, Beulah BelleAug 16, 189521-Feb-51N Sec. Row G Gr. 7
Bowman, John WilmerApr 13, 189012-Oct-79N Sec. Row G Gr. 8
Bowman, Lucy AliceFeb 26, 186311-Nov-36N Sec. Row G Gr. 9
Bowman, William C.Dec 02, 18625-Jan-33N Sec. Row G Gr. 10
Woodbridge, Clifford Kiser7-Jan-08Aug 17, 195N Sec. Row G Gr. 11
Woodbridge, Lottie AliceOct 29, 188927-May-89N Sec. Row G Gr. 12
Woodbridge, William E.Jun 18, 18771-Sep-49N Sec. Row G Gr. 13
Woodbridge, Earl A.1-Apr-1620-Oct-31N Sec. Row G Gr. 14
Woodbridge, Maxcie K.Apr 17, 18783-May-27N Sec. Row G Gr. 15
Bowman, Emma Esther15-Apr-0028-Aug-69N Sec. Row H Gr. 1
Bowman, Carl PriceMar 21, 189816-Aug-65N Sec. Row H Gr. 2
Wagoner, JosephDec 05, 18767-Jan-57N Sec. Row H Gr. 3
Lahman, Mahala FlorenceJun 20, 188323-Sep-50N Sec. Row H Gr. 4
Lahman, Samuel James TiltonNov 29, 18766-Aug-36N Sec. Row H Gr. 5
Wagoner, LavinaDec 05, 187625-Oct-56N Sec. Row H Gr. 6
Wagoner, Joseph J.Aug 21, 185716-Nov-36N Sec. Row H Gr. 7
Wagoner, AndrewJun 02, 18799-Oct-71N Sec. Row H Gr. 8
Wagoner, Hettie ElizabethDec 14, 18836-Feb-46N Sec. Row H Gr. 9
Wagoner, Emert Miller16-Jun-1930-Mar-31N Sec. Row H Gr. 10
Wagoner, LeviFeb 01, 187526-Sep-31N Sec. Row H Gr. 11
King, Martha J.Sep 18, 18654-Jun-47N Sec. Row H Gr. 12
King, Larrisa Joanne22-Sep-4522-Apr-46N Sec. Row H Gr. 13
King, Amandus P. Nov 30, 186119-Apr-29N Sec. Row H Gr. 14
Morrel, Emanuel S.Apr 21, 185815-Aug-28N Sec. Row H Gr. 15
Hilliker, Orilla EvelynOct 27, 185423-Dec-47N Sec. Row I Gr. 1
Hilliker, William H.Oct 31, 18539-May-36N Sec. Row I Gr. 2
Hilliker, Clare W.27-Jul-366-Dec-52N Sec. Row I Gr. 3
Hilliker, Marvin W.7-Aug-2720-Jan-40N Sec. Row I Gr. 4
Hilliker, Willard H.23-Apr-0610-Jan-36N Sec. Row I Gr. 5
Olsen, GeraldineOct 22, 188117-Dec-49N Sec. Row I Gr. 6
Wells, Dennis James13-Jun-511-Jan-69N Sec. Row I Gr. 7
Gish, LizzieMay 12, 186630-Jan-51N Sec. Row I Gr. 8
Gish, John TrussieOct 18, 18676-Sep-47N Sec. Row I Gr. 9
Gish, Ivan E.25-Aug-108-Jul-33N Sec. Row I Gr. 10
Lambert, Osborn E.Mar 06, 187411-Feb-63N Sec. Row I Gr. 11
Lambert, Pearl C.Mar 12, 187910-Feb-48N Sec. Row I Gr. 12
Lambert, Gerald R.9-Apr-349-Apr-34N Sec. Row I Gr. 13
Lambert, Eugenia May31-Jan-1010-Jan-62N Sec. Row I Gr. 13
Williams, Velma3-Aug-0723-Sep-28N Sec. Row I Gr. 14
Williams, Man Lyn23-Sep-2823-Sep-28N Sec. Row I Gr. 15
Cowan, Marissa4-Mar-894-Mar-89N Sec. Row J Gr. 1
Cowan, (Infant Boy)3-Oct-413-Oct-41N Sec. Row J Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row J Gr. 3
Cowan, Charles Melvin16-Mar-1710-Oct-68N Sec. Row J Gr. 4
Blocher, Louie Elmer8-Oct-0818-Nov-85N Sec. Row J Gr. 5
Fugett, Mary R.May 05, 185216-Dec-35N Sec. Row J Gr. 6
Klein, Jesse AlbertSep 19, 188410-Oct-72N Sec. Row J Gr. 7
Killiker, Arthuryn C.Oct 22, 188126-Sep-75N Sec. Row J Gr. 8
Hilliker, Vernon PrestonOct 09, 18837-Apr-61N Sec. Row J Gr. 9
Hackenburg, Susan MargaretJul 20, 186417-Aug-46N Sec. Row J Gr. 10
Hackenburg, William L.Sep 06, 186422-Apr-33N Sec. Row J Gr. 11
Miller, Lula Mae23-Nov-069-May-69N Sec. Row J Gr. 12
Miller, JosephOct 22, 18741-Jan-57N Sec. Row J Gr. 13
Blocher, Lester George13-Oct-1226-Sep-79N Sec. Row J Gr. 13
Howser, Elizabeth CrawmerApr 06, 188318-Apr-72N Sec. Row J Gr. 14
Crawmer, William J.Jun 26, 18806-Apr-29N Sec. Row J Gr. 15
Martens, Edo JohnsonSep 06, 18765-Apr-56N Sec. Row K Gr. 1
George, Katherine MatildaNov 30, 188728-Jan-57N Sec. Row K Gr. 2
Hilliker, Kenneth Vernon17-Aug-0828-Jan-93N Sec. Row K Gr. 3
Shank, Walter H.Jun 13, 189626-Sep-66N Sec. Row K Gr. 4
Shank, Freddie A.23-Sep-2225-Jan-35N Sec. Row K Gr. 5
Shank, Rebecca Jane (Garber)May 17, 18689-Dec-52N Sec. Row K Gr. 6
Shank, Floyd28-Jul-0730-May-50N Sec. Row K Gr. 7
Shank, Margaret Annette9-Feb-081-Sep-79N Sec. Row K Gr. 8
Peterson, Susan Viola WindleOct 11, 188617-Aug-83N Sec. Row K Gr. 9
Windle, Sarah MartinOct 04, 185619-Aug-34N Sec. Row K Gr. 10
Windle, GeorgeApr 05, 18554-Sep-40N Sec. Row K Gr. 11
Windle, CharlesMar 04, 188114-Nov-51N Sec. Row K Gr. 12
Joiner, Orin L.Nov 10, 185630-Sep-38N Sec. Row K Gr. 13
Martin, OliverMar 30, 18549-Jun-41N Sec. Row K Gr. 14
Martin, Sally C.Nov 02, 186825-Sep-29N Sec. Row K Gr. 15
Wise, Sadie Elizabeth17-Apr-2417-May-90N Sec. Row L Gr. 1
Hootman, Effie LouDec 08, 189428-Mar-66N Sec. Row L Gr. 2
Elstun, Perthena ElizabethOct 12, 18868-Jul-73N Sec. Row L Gr. 3
Elstun, Catherine LucindaFeb 24, 1932 24-Apr-32N Sec. Row L Gr. 4
Elstun, George EdwardNov 03, 188916-May-69N Sec. Row L Gr. 5
Cunningham, Edna CarrieApr 12, 187221-Sep-44N Sec. Row L Gr. 6
Cunningham, Albert LincolnMay 07, 186022-Oct-35N Sec. Row L Gr. 7
Smith, Seth DowNov 27, 189722-Mar-76N Sec. Row L Gr. 8
Brubaker, Lora BellMar 09, 187928-May-52N Sec. Row L Gr. 9
Brubaker, JosephApr 16, 187330-Nov-35N Sec. Row L Gr. 10
Macy, Josephine186026-Aug-46N Sec. Row L Gr. 11
Macy, CalvinOct 23, 186126-Feb-37N Sec. Row L Gr. 12
Wise, Kenneth Monroe3-May-1117-Aug-68N Sec. Row L Gr. 13
Wright, Jennie186927-Jul-51N Sec. Row L Gr. 14
Emmick, Thomas HenryJun 30, 185725-Jul-30N Sec. Row L Gr. 15
Kuns, Cora M.Jun 23, 18979-Dec-74N Sec. Row M Gr. 1
Kuns, DanielJan 11, 188318-Apr-59N Sec. Row M Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row M Gr. 3
Larimore, Elsie MayJun 09,188927-Nov-42N Sec. Row M Gr. 4
Blocher, Kenneth Walter28-Jan-3511-Nov-35N Sec. Row M Gr. 5
Holmes, Gertrude Miller26-Jan-071-Oct-59N Sec. Row M Gr. 6
Holmes, Lester ElmerMar 22, 188415-Mar-58N Sec. Row M Gr. 7
Brashears, GertrudeMar 07, 18898-Apr-50N Sec. Row M Gr. 8
Brashears, Emory LeeFeb 22, 188529-Nov-38N Sec. Row M Gr. 9
Brashears, Nancy E.Nov 06, 185215-Feb-33N Sec. Row M Gr. 10
Crumpacker, Sarah MilredDec 25, 18999-Dec-83N Sec. Row M Gr. 11
Crumpacker, Norman J.2-Dec-3530-Dec-35N Sec. Row M Gr. 12
Crumpacker, Otho J.17-Dec-0714-Dec-35N Sec. Row M Gr. 13
Crumpacker, RosaAug 26, 187422-Oct-60N Sec. Row M Gr. 14
Crumpacker, JamesSep 09, 186620-Dec-30N Sec. Row M Gr. 15
Pringle, Stella MaeJun 09, 188411-Dec-48N Sec. Row N Gr. 1
Pringle, Samuel W.Jun 29, 188311-Oct-67N Sec. Row N Gr. 2
Hufford, Goldie Irene16-Aug-0516-Feb-92N Sec. Row N Gr. 3
Hufford, Albert E.Feb 10,1900Sep 16,1993N Sec. Row N Gr. 4
Hufford, Darwin Joe2-Feb-3322-Mar-36N Sec. Row N Gr. 5
McFarren, JosephineAug 19, 187614-Jan-60N Sec. Row N Gr. 6
Harrison, Theodore EmettFeb 11, 187029-Jan-45N Sec. Row N Gr. 7
Harrison, Cora MaeApr 24, 18714-Nov-40N Sec. Row N Gr. 8
Shaw, Elmer Lee1861Dec, 1937N Sec. Row N Gr. 9
Shaw, Effie Etta18729-May-33N Sec. Row N Gr. 10
Ward, Eva Rebecca ShawFeb 19, 189926-Sep-86N Sec. Row N Gr. 10
Wise, Hayden Robert21-May-4724-May-47N Sec. Row N Gr. 11
Miller, William Jesse187910-Feb-45N Sec. Row N Gr. 12
Miller, Florence LydiaSep 09, 188223-Mar-62N Sec. Row N Gr. 13
Miller, Ernest J.May 28, 1918 10-Apr-32N Sec. Row N Gr. 14
Fouts, Horace S.185927-Mar-31N Sec. Row N Gr. 15
McFarren, Roy Lee21-Sep-068-Oct-44N Sec. Row O Gr. 1
Johnson, AugustFeb 04, 18765-Mar-46N Sec. Row O Gr. 2
Searl, (Infant Girl)3-May-463-May-46N Sec. Row O Gr. 3
Hall, Sidney Ray3-Sep-423-Sep-42N Sec. Row O Gr. 4
Shembarger, Larry ClydeJun 07,1947Nov 04,1947N Sec. Row O Gr. 5
McFarren, William HenryDec 28, 18765-Jul-59N Sec. Row O Gr. 6
Jones, (Infant)10-Apr-4310-Apr-43N Sec. Row O Gr. 7
Smith, Fred WalkerJan 01, 186511-Nov-40N Sec. Row O Gr. 8
Haible, Christopher18591-Jun-42N Sec. Row O Gr. 9
Haible, Martha Jane186315-Jul-40N Sec. Row O Gr. 10
Brown, ArtFeb 03, 188030-Dec-53N Sec. Row O Gr. 11
Crabtree, Larry Clinton19-Mar-4820-Mar-48N Sec. Row O Gr. 12
Scott, Otis WilliamOct 12, 189018-Apr-40N Sec. Row O Gr. 13
Cronk, Arthur18596-Feb-37N Sec. Row O Gr. 14
Heistand, PeterMay 18, 18616-Dec-36N Sec. Row O Gr. 15
Miller, LouisJan 15, 18797-Jan-70N Sec. Row P Gr. 1
Freeman, Blanche OliveAug 27, 188726-Feb-84N Sec. Row P Gr. 2
Freeman, Elza EliSep 28, 18878-Mar-71N Sec. Row P Gr. 3
Woodbridge, Sara Elizabeth25-Jan-025-Jul-82N Sec. Row P Gr. 4
Woodbridge, Wilbur16-Apr-0223-Oct-71N Sec. Row P Gr. 5
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row P Gr. 6
Heinrigh, Milton Vernon18-Jun-0718-May-78N Sec. Row P Gr. 7
Smith, Ella NoraDec 19, 18947-Jul-76N Sec. Row P Gr. 8
Smith, Dean StanleyMay 15, 189323-Sep-82N Sec. Row P Gr. 9
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row P Gr. 10
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row P Gr. 11
Smith, Rebecca Lynn10-Apr-5112-Jun-71N Sec. Row P Gr. 12
Scott, Vadora MaryMay 06, 189420-Mar-69N Sec. Row P Gr. 13
Gish, Vida PearlMay 03, 189731-Aug-88N Sec. Row P Gr. 14
Gish, Albert W.Apr 01, 18988-Jul-72N Sec. Row P Gr. 15
Boer, Robert James5-Mar-5327-Apr-72N Sec. Row Q Gr. 1
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row Q Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row Q Gr. 3
Forsyth, Eva Dalena19-Feb-1111-May-78N Sec. Row Q Gr. 4
Forsyth, Charles28-Dec-046-Jun-82N Sec. Row Q Gr. 5
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row Q Gr. 6
Galloway, Orlie Raymond3-Apr-112-Oct-80N Sec. Row Q Gr. 7
Davis, Alma Mae17-Dec-1626-Oct-80N Sec. Row Q Gr. 8
Davis, Clarence Ernest24-Jan-1225-Nov-90N Sec. Row Q Gr. 9
Cripe, Mabel Lee24-Mar-1323-Dec-87N Sec. Row Q Gr. 10
Cripe, Charles Emanuel5-Feb-081-Feb-82N Sec. Row Q Gr. 11
Carber, Hiva MarieJul 23, 189820-Nov-90N Sec. Row Q Gr. 12
Carber, Chester Lee3-Mar-0224-Aug-75N Sec. Row Q Gr. 13
Fouts, FronaOct 17, 1895Jun 14,1989N Sec. Row Q Gr. 14
Fouts, Ernest O.Oct 06, 189226-Dec-73N Sec. Row Q Gr. 15
Searl, James Robert5-Aug-427-Apr-74N Sec. Row R Gr. 1
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row R Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row R Gr. 3
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row R Gr. 4
Gish, Caleb Jordan9-Apr-8012-Apr-80N Sec. Row R Gr. 5
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row R Gr. 6
Blom, Martha Marie18-Jan-027-Jun-85N Sec. Row R Gr. 7
Blom, Fetze "Fred"13-Mar-0113-Nov-82N Sec. Row R Gr. 8
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row R Gr. 9
Gish, Caleb T.23-Oct-0522-Apr-81N Sec. Row R Gr. 10
Gish, Alice Naomi10-May-098-Feb-92N Sec. Row R Gr. 11
King, Evelyn Marie25-Apr-2611-Mar-84N Sec. Row R Gr. 12
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row R Gr. 13
King, Acha EvangelineJun 05, 189919-Feb-80N Sec. Row R Gr. 14
King, John Henry, Jr.Feb 12, 189320-Nov-81N Sec. Row R Gr. 15
Gish, Martha EstherSep 09,19069-Nov-94N Sec. Row S Gr. 1
Gish, Orvel Montgomery14-Oct-0130-Jan-76N Sec. Row S Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row S Gr. 3
Barnhart, Asa Alpha16-Feb-087-Jul-76N Sec. Row S Gr. 4
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row S Gr. 5
Gish, Herman Earl21-Feb-0312-Mar-78N Sec. Row S Gr. 6
Frantz, Dora CatherineNov 28, 188410-Nov-90N Sec. Row S Gr. 7
Frantz, Benjamin ArthurAug 03, 188428-Jul-78N Sec. Row S Gr. 8
Heinrich, Larry Ernest9-Feb-382-Sep-82N Sec. Row S Gr. 9
Heinrigh, Leland Wilbert9-Feb-3311-Oct-88N Sec. Row S Gr. 10
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row S Gr. 11
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row S Gr. 12
William, Richard Joseph, Jr.8-Sep-8020-Jun-93N Sec. Row S Gr. 13
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row S Gr. 14
Flory, Grover Jordan21-Apr-244-Mar-82N Sec. Row S Gr. 15
Roberts, Richard Radcliffe17-Jun-545-Oct-93N Sec. Row T Gr. 1
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row T Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row T Gr. 3
Heinrich, Elmer Lawrence6-Jul-0522-Dec-91N Sec. Row T Gr. 4
Gish, Dorothy Barbara24-Aug-076-Feb-95N Sec. Row T Gr. 5
Gish, John W.18-Nov-0328-Mar-88N Sec. Row T Gr. 6
Lynch, Emma ElizabethMar 20, 18938-Aug-87N Sec. Row T Gr. 7
Lynch, John HirtNov 20, 188628-Nov-82N Sec. Row T Gr. 8
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row T Gr. 9
Shoup, Kenneth Glendon27-Nov-0310-Apr-88N Sec. Row T Gr. 10
Crawmer, Florence Amy31-May-0925-Jun-93N Sec. Row T Gr. 11
Crawmer, Nornan Abram1-Jun-1022-May-85N Sec. Row T Gr. 12
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row T Gr. 13
Flory, Maxcie MildredApr 30, 18951-Nov-86N Sec. Row T Gr. 14
Flory, Daniel LesterAug 12, 189823-Dec-82N Sec. Row T Gr. 15
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 1
Turney, Emery Elaine12-Jul-9116-Jun-92N Sec. Row U Gr. 2
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 3
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 4
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 5
Bauman, Wanda Ellen1-Apr-6015-Sep-92N Sec. Row U Gr. 6
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 7
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 8
Holsinger, Pamela Rose Lee22-Aug-6628-Feb-96N Sec. Row U Gr. 9
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 10
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 11
Holsinger, Alan David22-Jul-2020-Aug-91N Sec. Row U Gr. 12
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 13
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row U Gr. 14
Flory, Charles Elihu27-Sep-179-Jul-91N Sec. Row U Gr. 15
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 1
Walker, Beulah Ellan18-Jun-2112-Mar-95N Sec. Row V Gr. 2
Machado, Antoinette Jane15-Feb-5725-Dec-96N Sec. Row V Gr. 3
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 4
Neher, Leonard De 'Bud'24-Sep-2611-Jan-97N Sec. Row V Gr. 5
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 6
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 7
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 8
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 9
Schwanbeck, Anna Mariah7-Jan-0625-Apr-93N Sec. Row V Gr. 10
Martin, Mary Lillian30-Aug-0330-Nov-92N Sec. Row V Gr. 11
Reserved - - -  - - - N Sec. Row V Gr. 12
Jamison, John Benjamin25-Aug-0126-Apr-92N Sec. Row V Gr. 13
Blocher, Miriam Orpha23-Jan-1318-Feb-95N Sec. Row V Gr. 14
Blocher, Chester William22-Apr-118-Aug-91N Sec. Row V Gr. 15
Selby, (Infant Son)1-May-181-May-18Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row A
Selby, FrankMay 03, 189326-Nov-28Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row A
Selby, Anna MaudeJun 09, 18907-Feb-56Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row A
Denlinger, Amelia OrphenaDec 24, 18972-Jul-63Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row A
Brubaker, Theodora B.Dec 04, 18789-Apr-56Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row A
Brubaker, Marion WesleyMay 05, 18783-Mar-50Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row A
Garber, Ida ElizabethApr 11, 18928-Jan-61Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row A
Garber, Ira JacobNov 11, 18962-Dec-85Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row A
Garber, Ollie Velma (Blickenstaff)30-Jan-0423-Jun-94Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row A
Blickenstaff, Robert Everett1-Jan-0025-Nov-59Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row A
Edgecomb, Jacob RobertNov 12, 186521-Jun-37Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row A
Buck, Claude VernerSep 17, 188130-Mar-54Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row A
Buck, Martha LucretiaAug 23, 188818-Nov-60Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row A
Cover, MaryFeb 19, 186528-Feb-51Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row A
Cover, Jacob AustinMar 19, 186827-Nov-59Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row A
Peters, James Claude11-Nov-165-Jan-17Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row B
Peters, Mary CatherineApr 23, 188424-Sep-75Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row B
Peters, Asa AlfredFeb 06, 18825-Sep-69Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row B
Garber, HelenMar 14, 185615-Aug-38Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row B
Garber, Samuel E.Apr 05, 185618-Nov-22Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row B
Garber, Martin LutherMar 20, 187912-Sep-32Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row B
Garber, Mattie MaryApr 17, 187521-Oct-62Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row B
Galloway, Sarah JaneDec 18, 185610-Aug-20Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row B
Galloway, Blanche SarahDec 18, 189117-Jun-49Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row B
Galloway, William RomerOct 07, 187824-Dec-55Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row B
Shelbourne, Sherda A.Jan 01, 189819-Jun-65Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row B
Nichols, Margaret AnnMay 04, 187023-Jun-26Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row B
Nichols, Samuel JacksonJul 04, 186831-Jul-37Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row B
Boyd, MinnieJan 13, 187128-Mar-64Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row B
Boyd, David WilliamFeb 18, 187126-Sep-36Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row B
Byrer, (Infant Daughter)1-Mar-121-Mar-12Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row C
Byrer, (Infant)Jan 00, 1915Jan 00, 1915Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row C
Byrer, Mendon Yvone25-Jul-0919-May-95Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row C
Byrer, Helen Virginia1-Apr-1515-Jun-37Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row C
Whiting, May AlmaMay 21, 189331-Jan-75Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row C
Whiting, Paul NathanielSep 13, 189622-May-58Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row C
Bauman, Ruth ElizaFeb 2, 18955-Aug-95Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row C
Cover, Wilbur Austin10-Feb-2410-Feb-24Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row C
Rumble, ElizabethSep 21, 183323-Jul-20Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row C
Rumble, May AlmaApr 08, 186415-Dec-39Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row C
Rumble, Charles BentonJan 27, 186320-Dec-46Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row C
Miller, Rhonda BelleJun 15, 189013-Apr-62Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row C
Miller, Lloyd OrianFeb 07, 189228-Nov-77Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row C
Grover, Jay GilbertAug 23, 189325-May-76Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row C
Grover, Eunice Viola11-Nov-012-Dec-80Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row C
Grover, Della Louise25-May-2622-Sep-27Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row C
Overholtzer, (Infant)14-May-1614-May-16Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row D
Overholtzer, Martha FloraJun 18, 188726-Oct-63Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row D
Wagoner, Thelma Delbrugge13-Oct-0310-Sep-78Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row D
Delbrugge, FredJan 30, 189129-Nov-58Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row D
Woodbridge, EttaDec 01, 18758-Mar-56Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row D
Woodbridge, Clarence LesterMay 08, 188323-Oct-54Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row D
Rebman, Charles JosephAug 12, 188814-Aug-12Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row D
Rebman, Mary H.Jun 01, 185019-Apr-14Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row D
Beachler, Silas L.Dec 13, 18678-Dec-27Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row D
Beachler, ElizaAug 26, 187128-Jun-64Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row D
Miller, CordeliaJul 27, 187512-Jul-52Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row D
Miller, Addison E.Dec 18, 187126-Oct-53Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row D
Beachler, Harvey B.Jan 13, 189730-Mar-70Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row D
Beachler, Frances Mildred21-Mar-0427-Oct-93Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row D
Beachler, Mary Lenore17-Jul-2517-Jul-25Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row D
Peters, Leanna JuneNov 22, 18866-Jun-49Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row E
Peters, Loren ObmartSep 26, 187627-Mar-55Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row E
Peters, Charles Stephen24-Oct-1324-Oct-13Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row E
Barnett, Edda AdelaideNov 06, 18923-Nov-59Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row E
Barnett, Alice Lee22-Oct-1315-Feb-91Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row E
Bauman, Elise EttaJul 08, 187016-Feb-60Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row E
Bauman, Lewis FrederickJul 13, 18661-Jan-34Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row E
Wrightsman, MaryAug 28, 18306-Dec-15Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row E
Wrightsman JohnMay 17, 18271-Jun-18Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row E
Rinehart, Sara RosellaJan 03, 185915-Mar-30Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row E
Rinehart, HenryAug 15, 18554-Jan-43Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row E
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row E
Wolf, Clara24-Mar-105-Apr-64Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row E
Wolf, Nora GertrudeMay 06, 187322-Jan-70Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row E
Wolf, IsaacOct 28, 187523-Feb-35Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row E
Wolf, Mary Eilzabeth5-Aug-0110-Mar-25Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row E
Flora, (Infant)24-Aug-1724-Aug-17Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row F
Bauman, Edgar HenryJan 09, 18949-Sep-69Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row F
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row F
Morton, Henry4-Nov-0827-Nov-46Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row F
Brubaker, Ida AliceAug 20, 18786-Jun-43Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row F
Brubaker, Henry B.Mar 31, 18726-Feb-48Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row F
Brubaker, SusannaApr 08, 183420-Dec-16Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row F
Brubaker, BenjaminApr 28, 18346-Jun-13Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row F
Delbrugge, (Infant Son)2-Aug-242-Aug-24Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row F
Mason, Edna Nancy MurrayFeb 12, 189113-Jun-82Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row F
Murra, Katie L.Oct 24, 186518-Jun-53Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row F
Murray, John W.14-Aug-0525-Dec-35Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row F
Murray, David ThomasMay 16, 18528-Dec-29Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row F
Murray, Robert Lee16-Jun-2026-Dec-35Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row F
Murray, Samuel M.Dec 05, 18921-Feb-24Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row F
Bauman, John C.24-Jun-1324-Jun-18Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row G
Gish, Nathan QuinterMar 13, 186514-Apr-42Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row G
Gish, ElizabethNov 17, 18369-Mar-22Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row G
Bauman, Ralph20-Sep-0931-Dec-71Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row G
Bauman, Mary ElizabethApr 17, 187426-Apr-46Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row G
Bauman, OttoSep 27, 185626-Dec-24Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row G
Barton, George MourerJan 12, 189326-Feb-16Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row G
Barton, Sarah AnnJan 28, 187024-Sep-57Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row G
Barton, George WilliamAug 24, 18579-Dec-40Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row G
Mohler, Orpha BarbaraSep 30, 187010-May-28Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row G
Mohler, Weston HersheyJul 23, 186725-Oct-27Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row G
Mohler, Hermos OrrionApr 24, 189525-Jul-40Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row G
Mohler, Ella RuthApr 18, 18948-Jul-74Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row G
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row G
Upton, Chester WillisAug 22, 18913-Sep-21Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row G
Deilks, John WillisMar 02, 189818-Apr-18Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row H
Waters, Henry A.187815-Feb-30Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row H
Burger, Effie DoraNov 13, 18762-Dec-45Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row H
Burger, Lucy FrancesMar 08, 184619-Oct-27Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row H
Burger, Daniel A.Sep 12, 185026-May-23Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row H
Waggy, Lucy AliceJul 21, 189316-Jan-17Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row H
Montgomery, Merriam E.Sep 01, 187025-Dec-16Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row H
Barton, Harvey Buell1-Dec-0113-Jul-46Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row H
Bowman, BarbaraJan 15, 185219-Apr-23Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row H
Bowman, DavidJul 19, 185018-Mar-27Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row H
Hitch, Mary EllenJan 19, 185018-Jul-63Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row H
Hitch, William EarlAug 31, 18805-Dec-60Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row H
Chrowl, Eva ElnoraOct 25, 188029-Aug-37Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row H
Chrowl, EzraMar 29, 18781-Aug-69Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row H
Chrowl, Jesse E.10-Sep-0220-Oct-23Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row H
Yourex, Nicholas L.18364-Sep-12Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row I
Boyd, MartinApr 04, 184426-Jan-30Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row I
Snow, (Infant)6-Jan-216-Jan-21Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row I
Appleton, Erwin Paul18-Dec-1531-Dec-15Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row I
Murray, MosesAug 03, 18422-Sep-31Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row I
La Rue, Robert187522-Jan-36Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row I
Wagoner, Barbara E.Dec 10, 18507-May-17Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row I
Wagoner, John J.Oct 03, 18521-Feb-27Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row I
Blickenstaff, Martha LauraOct 10, 187023-Jun-27Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row I
Blickenstaff, Alvah186614-Apr-48Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row I
Blickenstaff, JacobJan 24, 184227-Mar-21Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row I
Blickenstaff, GertrudeMay 21, 187416-Dec-47Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row I
Blickenstaff, Jesse E.May 10, 187325-Mar-55Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row I
Driver, Anna NettleMay 02, 187526-Jun-41Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row I
Driver, John SamuelNov 03, 187210-Oct-47Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row I
Schaapman, HendrikOct 26, 189013-Jul-13Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row J
Wolf, Catherine AliceJun 15, 187116-Apr-44Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row J
Wolf, John F.Jun 16, 186627-Mar-49Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row J
Wolf, Noah A.Jun 13, 189819-Jul-18Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row J
Wolf, Sarah ElizabethAug 23, 189630-Mar-56Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row J
Heinrich, Lydia CatherineApr 12, 188124-Jul-55Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row J
Heinrich, Henry Leishoff "Harry"Nov 19, 187712-Dec-65Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row J
Gentry, Esther May9-Apr-0230-Jun-19Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row J
Gentry, Harriet MargaretOct 21, 187526-Dec-59Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row J
Gentry, Albert J.Apr 04, 187030-Jul-19Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row J
Overlin, Orpha MaryNov 28, 189817-Feb-75Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row J
Elstun, Alia IreneFeb 21, 188630-May-21Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row J
Miller, Mary EdnaOct 13, 18556-Mar-83Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row J
Miller, ChristenaAug 25, 185526-May-29Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row J
Miller, Henry D.May 28, 185113-Sep-27Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row J
Thompson, (Infant Male)29-May-1429-May-14Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row K
Newton, (Infant Male)20-Jul-1520-Jul-15Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row K
Havens, Leonard Calvin14-Aug-1615-Aug-16Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row K
Williamson, Ira20-Dec-1824-Dec-18Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row K
Overstreet, Wilbur21-Sep-146-Sep-21Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row K
Overstreet, WilliamJan 28, 18881-Feb-49Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row K
Overstreet, JeremiahNov 28, 18438-Sep-19Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row K
Kuns, Oscar LewisNov 21, 189526-Apr-70Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row K
Wagoner, Samuel Monroe7-Dec-1625-Mar-31Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row K
Wagoner, Elma Rebecca9-Jun-0712-Jun-21Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row K
Shafer, Matilda C. (Wagoner)Sep 30, 186818-Feb-54Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row K
Wagoner, SamuelAug 09, 18623-Mar-28Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row K
Nead, Rosa AnnaJan 14, 18831-Nov-77Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row K
Baker, Raymond L.13-Dec-2713-Dec-27Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row K
Dale, Anna MaryJun 02, 185326-Aug-25Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row K
Wimmer, William A.Jul 09, 18772-Mar-66Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row L
Gillette, Frank N.Aug 26, 185518-Nov-23Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row L
Overstreet, CharlesDec 07, 18757-Nov-50Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row L
Overstreet, Edward Glenn21-Apr-2527-Jul-77Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row L
Overstreet, Delana B.Sep 30, 18807-May-68Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row L
Jacobs, Anna E.18-Feb-3312-Jun-52Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row L
Duncan, Lee A.May 06, 18682-Mar-32Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row L
Duncan, Albert Leroy6-Jul-0019-Feb-20Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row L
Kenyon, William E.7-Jul-327-Jul-32Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row L
Duncan, Emma JaneNov 11, 18721-Oct-55Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row L
Hankins, Luna May (Rodriquez)1-Jan-016-Sep-88Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row L
Rodriquez, Benjamin18955-Aug-59Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row L
Wagner, (Infant Male)May 24 1968May 24 1968Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row L
Boyd, Ona Marie22-Feb-2011-Mar-25Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row L
Renicker, Anna CatherineMar 10, 18974-May-78Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row L
Renicker, Leandrew JacksonJan 30, 187412-Jul-57Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row L
Bowman, Samuel Morgan3-Feb-2315-Feb-23Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row M
Bowman, Anna MayJan 06, 188329-Jan-69Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row M
Bowman, Samuel H.Jun 26, 188322-Oct-44Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row M
Bowman, Irene May26-Nov-1011-Feb-84Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row M
Flory, Pearl JuneJun 05, 188021-Jan-66Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row M
Flory, Franklin R.Dec 19, 187817-Mar-60Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row M
Morgan, Sarah Frances "Sally"Jul 22, 185316-May-20Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row M
Morgen, James DavidJun 18, 18487-Apr-34Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row M
Morgen, Emma JaneSep 22, 18854-Nov-63Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row M
Hoyme, Ernest G.May 19, 18977-Jun-29Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row M
Wyeth, AliceDec 14, 185611-Mar-32Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row M
Wyeth, George F.Mar 08, 185023-Nov-34Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row M
Mullin, Ralph W.Nov 05, 188313-Mar-67Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row M
McDonnell, Elsie GertrudeFeb 18, 189331-Aug-26Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row M
Christian, GraceDec 25, 189224-Oct-68Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row M
Cripe, Charlotte AnnJun 17, 187413-May-44Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row N
Cripe, John E.Oct 02, 185617-Nov-23Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row N
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row N
Tyree, Florine27-Oct-1418-Dec-42Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row N
Boyd, NeoshaAug 06, 188726-Mar-64Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row N
Boyd, George FrancisDec 11, 188511-Jul-69Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row N
Umbaugh, JonasMay 18, 187612-Oct-20Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row N
Umbaugh, Mary C.Jun 12, 18822-Jun-25Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row N
Umbaugh, SusannahNov 21, 18451-Jan-37Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row N
Terrill, FrankJul 07, 187725-Nov-31Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row N
Mullen, BethanaJan 03, 186118-Feb-34Ct Sec Gr 11 Row N
Small, Nellie MayOct 09, 188624-May-69Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row N
Wagner, Ernest Paul27-Sep-0329-Sep-92Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row N
Wagner, Esther Mae27-Sep-0620-Apr-82Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row N
Wagner, Edith12-Aug-2813-Aug-28Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row N
Samuelson, Betty Susan23-Jul-106-Jul-93Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row O
Bauman, Shelly Renee30-Jul-711-Aug-71Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row O
Nachatelo, Dennis Lee15-Aug-4828-Feb-69Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row O
Howser, Sarah ElizabethAug 03, 188527-Nov-72Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row O
Howser, William ArthurMar 10, 188422-Dec-68Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row O
Howser, Pearl Arvilla19-Oct-1214-Jun-91Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row O
Bashor, Michael Steven8-Apr-6518-Aug-84Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row O
Bashor, Marcia Renee2-Oct-6321-Apr-71Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row O
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row O
Eikenberry, Genevieve Barber25-Jun-142-Aug-89Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row P
Barber, George Russell24-Jun-1419-Mar-74Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row P
Silvers, Jack Emmerson8-Sep-1610-Oct-74Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row P
Silvers, Edith EstherMar 17, 189527-Sep-82Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row P
Silvers, Robert Markey2-Apr-2320-Mar-91Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row P
Miller, Orpha Jane3-May-008-Mar-76Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row P
Miller, Noah GilbertJun 03, 189528-Nov-78Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row P
Cover, Mary AdaJul 05, 18973-Mar-91Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row P
Cover, John ImmelFeb 15, 189727-Sep-74Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row P
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row P
Wolf, George Melvin22-Nov-0528-Jul-75Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row P
Leeper, Sandra Sue (Wagoner)21-Aug-4424-Sep-83Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row P
Dunlop, Lillie Alme DaFeb 18, 188724-Dec-75Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row P
Dunlop, William AsaJan 22, 188025-Feb-76Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row P
Galas, Tyler Matthew10-Feb-8317-Oct-96Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row P
Deeter, Henry Allen27-Dec-096-Jul-79Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row Q
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row Q
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row Q
Reserved- - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row Q
Blickenstaff, Emma Mae14-Feb-006-Jun-93Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row Q
Blickenstaff, Orlando Marion25-Jul-0113-Apr-84Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row Q
Cardin, Joan15-Sep-3118-Jun-78Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row Q
Miller, Velva May19-Nov-0830-Jun-93Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row Q
Miller, Clyde Emest7-Jan-0618-Feb-77Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row Q
Garber, Leah Alice8-Jun-2530-Aug-79Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row Q
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row Q
Garber, Ida MaeFeb 07, 189122-Sep-78Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row Q
Garber, Henry WilburAug 29, 18882-Aug-81Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row Q
Blickenstaff, Esther Lois12-Jul-1117-Jul-95Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row Q
Blickenstaff, David Elmer23-Sep-116-Dec-77Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row Q
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row R
Landes, Carl Gene27-Dec-3025-Nov-81Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row R
Miller, MaryJan 05, 189516-Nov-80Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row R
Miller, Joseph B.Oct 1l, 188519-Feb-78Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row R
Heinrich, Mary Lauretta23-Feb-0425-Oct-79Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row R
Heinrich, Walter Amos26-Jan-0325-Nov-85Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row R
Boyd, Jesse Ervin22-Oct-098-Oct-79Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row R
Miller, Gregory Allen16-May-565-Aug-79Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row R
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row R
Ivie, Sigal RyanApr 10, 189519-Jul-82Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row S
Ivie, Florence14-Aug-0030-Aug-90Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row S
Huffman, Charles Alfred15-Oct-0627-Jun-85Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row S
Rumble, Brian Edward3-Sep-8116-Mar-82Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row S
Boyd, Cassie Ann10-Jan-8210-Jan-82Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row S
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row S
Bailey, Jesse Paul29-Mar-3426-Nov-80Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row S
Wolf, Daniel F.22-Jun-0311-Oct-85Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row T
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row T
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row T
Johnson, Fern Pauline31-Aug-261-Jun-87Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row T
Root, Dorothy Tresa16-Jul-2415-Oct-91Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row T
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row T
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row T
Flora, Donald Ray22-Mar-3229-Apr-89Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row T
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row T
Holsinger, Effie Ethel14-Jan-2217-Apr-92Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row T
Holsinger, Harry Eldon1-Nov-1810-Apr-88Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row T
Denlinger, Ellen LaveniaApr 1l, 19079-Jan-94Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row T
Denlinger, Charles Wesley3-Nov-0218-Feb-90Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row T
Stamy, Lena Edith15-Mar-0015-Sep-86Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row T
Stamy, Daniel WebsterSep 08, 1899OApr 10, 1993Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row T
Reece, Edward Henry19-Mar-4317-Apr-90Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row U
Reece, Clarence Henry22-Aug-122-Sep-93Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row U
Mohler, Merle JordanMay 5 192220-Jun-96Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row U
Mohler, Raymond Earl29-May-3513-Sep-92Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row U
Mohler, Harold Murray18-Jan-185-Dec-89Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row U
Overholtzer, Marisa Jayne22-Sep-7726-May-88Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row U
Mohler, Miriam Amy1-May-2525-May-88Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row U
Mohler, Daniel WestonFeb 01 192518-Jan-96Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row U
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row V
Blocher, Bessie Ellen22-Apr-049-Oct-90Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row V
Brubaker, David Lloyd3-Aug-5120-Feb-91Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row V
Miller, Nellie Alice13-Mar-0518-Nov-96Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row V
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row V
Wise, Myrtle Mary Etta18-Apr-0912-Jun-90Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row V
Wise, Walter Blocher28-Jul-0414-Apr-95Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row V
Clark, Walter Floyd20-Oct-1818-Oct-94Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row W
Bowmen, Eugene Calvin4-Oct-455-Aug-96Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row W
Flory, Phyllis Irene7-Feb-2231-Aug-93Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row W
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row W
Baumen, Weston Earl14-Jun-2112-Dec-92Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row W
Peters, Harvey Loren24-Dec-1131-Jul-96Ctr Sec Gr 1 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 2 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 3 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 4 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 5 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 6 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 7 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 8 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 9 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 10 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 11 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 12 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 13 Row X
Garber, Linda Susan "Susie"6-Feb-5018-Aug-96Ctr Sec Gr 14 Row X
Reserved - - -  - - - Ctr Sec Gr 15 Row X
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 1 Row A
Colbert, Owen Murray19-Nov-0715-Oct-72S Sec Gr 2 Row A
Colbert, David Owen25-Apr-4222-Jan-44S Sec Gr 3 Row A
Colbert, EllaJan 23, 187120-Oct-51S Sec Gr 4 Row A
Colbert, Franklin LeviJul 07, 187425-Jun-47S Sec Gr 5 Row A
Edgecomb, Phillip Leslie25-Sep-4211-Apr-46S Sec Gr 6 Row A
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 7 Row A
Edgecomb, Owen Roscoe27-Jul-1315-Nov-82S Sec Gr 8 Row A
Blickenstaff, Henry Everett4-Nov-431-Mar-88S Sec Gr 9 Row A
Burger, Clara AnnetteNov 22, 18924-Jan-69S Sec Gr 10 Row A
Burger, John P.Jan 21, 18733-Feb-51S Sec Gr 11 Row A
Worre, Olau Knutsen6-Jan-0825-Mar-51S Sec Gr 12 Row A
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row A
Balsbaugh, RuthJun 16, 18977-Jul-83S Sec Gr 14 Row A
Balsbaugh, Lloyd RayOct 11, 18999-Jun-64S Sec Gr 15 Row A
Garber, Jeanette Marie29-May-3831-Mar-40S Sec Gr 1 Row B
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 2 Row B
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 3 Row B
Wagner, Alvin Clay15-May-4213-Aug-79S Sec Gr 4 Row B
Gish, Meda AliceOct 20, 18779-Nov-44S Sec Gr 5 Row B
Gish, James William MosesFeb 24, 187221-Feb-48S Sec Gr 6 Row B
Grover, Ida MayJun 25, 189213-Jun-86S Sec Gr 7 Row B
Grover, Walter RaleighFeb 27, 189224-Feb-84S Sec Gr 8 Row B
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 9 Row B
Balsbaugh, Edward18-Dec-5619-Dec-56S Sec Gr 10 Row B
Balsbaugh, Richard18-Dec-5619-Dec-56S Sec Gr 10 Row B
Grover, MaggieSep 22, 185829-Nov-49S Sec Gr 11 Row B
Grover, Ira RomulousDec 31, 186715-Jul-63S Sec Gr 12 Row B
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row B
Wolf, Levi E.3-Feb-0030-Oct-60S Sec Gr 14 Row B
Wolf, Luella MaeMay  01, 192214-Apr-92S Sec Gr 15 Row B
Price, Mary SusannaNov 16, 187028-Mar-58S Sec Gr 1 Row C
Price, Solomon EliasMar 21, 186112-Apr-39S Sec Gr 2 Row C
Price, Mary MagdelineJun 28, 189610-Oct-75S Sec Gr 3 Row C
Price, Celesta OlivaDec 21, 189714-Jan-87S Sec Gr 4 Row C
Hull, Dorothy ElizabethJan 26, 187414-Apr-42S Sec Gr 5 Row C
Hull, Feliz HarveyNov 21, 186826-Jan-48S Sec Gr 6 Row C
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 7 Row C
Wolf, Joseph Lyle26-Jun-4526-Jun-45S Sec Gr 8 Row C
Wolf, Elsie SusanNov 25, 188120-Aug-79S Sec Gr 9 Row C
Wolf, David F.Oct 09, 187727-Jan-49S Sec Gr 10 Row C
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 11 Row C
Wolf, Lydia Olve22-Mar-1418-Jun-91S Sec Gr 12 Row C
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row C
Wolf, SusannaDec 18, 187820-May-50S Sec Gr 14 Row C
Wolf, Jesse L.Oct 22, 1881May 26, 1959 S Sec Gr 15 Row C
Filbrun, Bertha EllenApr 24, 189525-Nov-60S Sec Gr 1 Row D
Filbrun, Clarence JosephJun 03, 188713-Jun-73S Sec Gr 2 Row D
Wolf, Betty Ann28-Apr-374-Feb-38S Sec Gr 3 Row D
Wolf, Elizabeth Cerena22-Aug-1017-Aug-81S Sec Gr 4 Row D
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 5 Row D
Root, Emma AdelineOct 13, 18684-Sep-41S Sec Gr 6 Row D
Root, Joseph AllenApr 30, 186730-Apr-43S Sec Gr 7 Row D
Fox, David James6-May-3019-Feb-93S Sec Gr 8 Row D
Miller, Anna Alida MettlerJan 22, 189310-Jun-90S Sec Gr 9 Row D
Mettelr, Walter GulickFeb 16, 1887Dec 05, 1951 S Sec Gr 10 Row D
Cover, Amy Bell MillerAug 04, 188020-May-62S Sec Gr 11 Row D
Miller, Samuel AaronApr 19, 18814-Nov-47S Sec Gr 12 Row D
Long, Bernice Elizabeth17-Oct-0410-May-48S Sec Gr 13 Row D
Root, Louise20-Feb-08Jan 14, 1978 S Sec Gr 14 Row D
Root, John JamesMar 24, 18921-Nov-69S Sec Gr 15 Row D
Cover, Earl Wilbur5-Mar-024-Jan-83S Sec Gr 1 Row E
Cover, Lois Emma1-Jan-0422-Oct-89S Sec Gr 2 Row E
Cripe, Calvin E.17-Aug-2426-Jul-37S Sec Gr 3 Row E
Cover, Dorothy Belle24-Aug-0413-Sep-84S Sec Gr 4 Row E
Gibbons, EmmaMar 01, 18657-Feb-47S Sec Gr 5 Row E
Flory, Orpha ElizabethJul 27, 188824-Jul-41S Sec Gr 6 Row E
Flory, Owen FloydNov 18, 188911-Feb-76S Sec Gr 7 Row E
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row E
Angle, Jason D.3-May-15Jul 27, 1963 S Sec Gr 9 Row E
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row E
Angle, Emery Vernon18-Apr-114-Jul-47S Sec Gr 11 Row E
Bronson, Josephine MayMar 13, 188618-Feb-58S Sec Gr 12 Row E
Bronson, GilbertJan 31, 187910-Sep-65S Sec Gr 13 Row E
Etter, Elizabeth EllenFeb 15, 18792-Mar-60S Sec Gr 14 Row E
Etter, Winter HermanFeb 26, 1882 Nov 03, 19632S Sec Gr 15 Row E
Cover, CatherineSep 06, 1861Mar 14, 1948 S Sec Gr 1 Row F
Cover, Oliver LyttonMay 15, 186130-Jan-37S Sec Gr 2 Row F
Cover, Sadie ElsieJan 28, 188920-Jul-66S Sec Gr 3 Row F
Wells, Stella EmmaApr 22, 188428-Dec-63S Sec Gr 4 Row F
Wells, John ElbertApr 05, 18813-Feb-63S Sec Gr 5 Row F
Gish, Curtis Leroy22-Nov-399-Jul-41S Sec Gr 6 Row F
Gish, Nellie Vivian8-Sep-0617-Feb-81S Sec Gr 7 Row F
Gish, Ilden LeroyDec 19, 18993-Feb-88S Sec Gr 8 Row F
Baptiste, Martha Thelma27-Jan-154-Nov-58S Sec Gr 9 Row F
Shelly, Mildred Fern9-Jun-233-Sep-75S Sec Gr 10 Row F
Caylor, Ida MayMar 25, 188315-Mar-51S Sec Gr 11 Row F
Caylor, Eli H.Sep 21, 18741-Dec-51S Sec Gr 12 Row F
Root, Stella May21-Dec-011-Dec-51S Sec Gr 13 Row F
Wagner, Orpha Eliza18-Sep-0210-Jun-78S Sec Gr 14 Row F
Wagner, Clay ElvatonSep 08, 189912-Jun-70S Sec Gr 15 Row F
Mohler, Eliza M. CoverJan 09, 183919-Apr-31S Sec Gr 1 Row G
Cover, Hattie MayNov 11, 18809-Dec-48S Sec Gr 2 Row G
Cover, Christie RufusJun 01, 187927-Nov-65S Sec Gr 3 Row G
Cover, Joesph MillerJun 14, 18666-Sep-43S Sec Gr 4 Row G
Cover, Christina Anna M.Sep 27, 18685-Feb-36S Sec Gr 5 Row G
Harvey, Ann Mary FoutsAug 16, 188320-Dec-81S Sec Gr 6 Row G
Harvey, Henry M.Apr 08, 188031-Aug-41S Sec Gr 7 Row G
Eikenberry, Arnold ThaneSep 18 1949Mar 25 1994S Sec Gr 7 Row G
Fouts, Noah W.Jun 3, 187913-Jul-43S Sec Gr 8 Row G
Reece, Jennie CatherineJan 13, 189723-Apr-58S Sec Gr 9 Row G
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row G
Kelley, Frances Mae29-Sep-2328-Nov-92S Sec Gr 11 Row G
Kelley, Lynn Edmund1-May-621-May-62S Sec Gr 12 Row G
Brown, Muriel M.29-Jan-0512-Dec-83S Sec Gr 13 Row G
Brown, Clare LowellJun 26, 189925-Oct-64S Sec Gr 14 Row G
Brown, Sarah AliceJul 11, 18636-Aug-51S Sec Gr 15 Row G
Cover, Sallie EllenOct 06, 187328-Jul-60S Sec Gr 1 Row H
Cover, John CalvertDec 14, 187224-Sep-63S Sec Gr 2 Row H
Marconett, Melvin Ora22-Aug-33Apr 23, 1935 S Sec Gr 3 Row H
Vickers, Christopher A.8-Dec-718-Dec-71S Sec Gr 3 Row H
Marconett, Ethel May13-Mar-0014-Apr-80S Sec Gr 4 Row H
Marconett, OraJan 18, 189715-Jul-65S Sec Gr 5 Row H
Wagoner, Howard R.5-Sep-2718-Apr-45S Sec Gr 6 Row H
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 7 Row H
Wagoner, Jacob RaymondSep 02, 1895Dec 31,1994S Sec Gr 8 Row H
Sell, Mary Adah19-Aug-329-Nov-61S Sec Gr 9 Row H
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row H
Thompson, Bruce Lynn18-Jul-5230-Oct-52S Sec Gr 11 Row H
Buckley, Milton WesleyFeb 02, 18919-Apr-60S Sec Gr 12 Row H
Buckley, Bessie MaySep 17, 189718-Jul-70S Sec Gr 13 Row H
Wagner, SusannaSep 17, 189610-Jan-91S Sec Gr 14 Row H
Hull, Floyd M.Mar 26, 188925-Apr-59S Sec Gr 15 Row H
Fountain, Herbert Lee5-Nov-395-Nov-39S Sec Gr 1 Row I
Fountain, Lottie June10-Sep-4110-Sep-41S Sec Gr 2 Row I
Fountain, Daniel26-Apr-579-Jan-58S Sec Gr 3 Row I
Fountain, Thelma Maude19-Mar-332-Mar-67S Sec Gr 4 Row I
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 5 Row I
Caro, Myrtle KinzieNov 24, 188426-Jan-42S Sec Gr 6 Row I
Marconett, Stella AnnOct 09, 188613-Jan-65S Sec Gr 7 Row I
Marconett, DanielJun 12, 188529-Nov-67S Sec Gr 8 Row I
Fall, Sarah EllenDec 31, 187524-Sep-49S Sec Gr 9 Row I
Fall, MarkeyMay 05, 187425-Jun-59S Sec Gr 10 Row I
Bauman, Craig Allen29-Jun-5430-Jun-54S Sec Gr 11 Row I
Bauman, Mabel Viola14-Jun-0222-Feb-92S Sec Gr 12 Row I
Bauman, Elmer LouisApr 23, 189928-Apr-87S Sec Gr 13 Row I
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row I
Fall, Norman Markey9-Jul-1927-Nov-69S Sec Gr 15 Row I
Wagner, JohnNov 16, 188216-Nov-39S Sec Gr 1 Row J
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 2 Row J
Fisher, John Abram7-Nov-055-Sep-64S Sec Gr 3 Row J
Wagner, Mary F.Apr 28, 186314-Oct-56S Sec Gr 4 Row J
Wagner, Daniel W.May 25, 18592-May-46S Sec Gr 5 Row J
Wilbur, Corrinne J. Zwiebel8-Oct-059-Mar-83S Sec Gr 6 Row J
Zwiebel, Allen GeorgeSep 14, 188827-Mar-56S Sec Gr 7 Row J
Beckner, Kathryn Mary28-Sep-0515-May-94S Sec Gr 8 Row J
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 9 Row J
Wise, Mary Renee3-May-573-May-57S Sec Gr 10 Row J
Wise, Montgomery Lee19-Feb-6014-Jan-90S Sec Gr 11 Row J
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row J
Marconett, Nancy Carol2-Dec-4223-Sep-63S Sec Gr 13 Row J
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row J
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 15 Row J
Garber, Samuel Emmert31-May-1116-Mar-93S Sec Gr 1 Row K
Garber, Mary Etta16-May-1611-Dec-68S Sec Gr 2 Row K
Garber, Darlene10-Sep-4710-Sep-47S Sec Gr 3 Row K
Garber, Dewayne Edmond10-Sep-477-Nov-47S Sec Gr 4 Row K
Beachler, Gladys Anna14-Nov-0426-Mar-78S Sec Gr 5 Row K
Dailey, Jeanetta "Nettle" A.Jan 25, 186024-Apr-50S Sec Gr 6 Row K
Bowman, Olive LoreneSep 04, 189612-Aug-86S Sec Gr 7 Row K
Bowman, David H.Feb 17, 188915-Aug-77S Sec Gr 8 Row K
Overholtzer, Drexel Stuart14-Sep-424-Feb-90S Sec Gr 9 Row K
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row K
Overholtzer, Deryl Lorene19-Nov-478-Oct-63S Sec Gr 11 Row K
Boyd, Emma BelleSep 18, 189029-Oct-68S Sec Gr 12 Row K
Boyd, Harley JaredSep 07, 189522-Sep-65S Sec Gr 13 Row K
Graybill, Chad Brian8-Nov-968-Nov-96S Sec Gr 13 Row K
Theiler, Minerva Marie11-Feb-0413-May-82S Sec Gr 14 Row K
Landis, George Russell13-May-0020-Jan-69S Sec Gr 15 Row K
Barton, Ruth MargaretJul 06, 18958-Feb-95S Sec Gr 1 Row L
Barton, William WalterSep 20, 189030-Mar-56S Sec Gr 2 Row L
Cripe, Mary AliceMay 25, 189924-Mar-88S Sec Gr 3 Row L
Cripe, John O.Feb 09, 189829-Jun-64S Sec Gr 4 Row L
Beachler, Lyle Cleophus Paul22-Jun-058-Jun-72S Sec Gr 5 Row L
Stafford, Lester Paul19017-Mar-57S Sec Gr 6 Row L
Noland, Sadie MayAug 08, 18944-Nov-78S Sec Gr 7 Row L
Noland, James W.Nov 12, 187925-May-60S Sec Gr 8 Row L
Cover, Netha Laverne12-Jun-0323-Aug-65S Sec Gr 9 Row L
Cover, Jesse JordanNov 06, 184522-Apr-68S Sec Gr 10 Row L
Ankernam, Carrie18-Oct-0310-Nov-65S Sec Gr 11 Row L
Ankerman, Forest Bell13-Feb-0213-Aug-88S Sec Gr 12 Row L
McCray, Mary BellFeb 12, 188827-Nov-68S Sec Gr 13 Row L
McCray, Wesley LeeDec 26, 188315-Jun-66S Sec Gr 14 Row L
Cover, Samuel Christie26-Feb-1520-Nov-79S Sec Gr 15 Row L
Beachler, MinervaFeb 14, 18682-Dec-38S Sec Gr 1 Row M
Beachler, JohnNov 18, 186017-Jun-46S Sec Gr 2 Row M
Rench, Vina EdithJul 25, 18728-Jan-44S Sec Gr 3 Row M
Rench, David HenryNov 05, 187327-Sep-43S Sec Gr 4 Row M
Beeghley, John J.Jul 12, 186024-Oct-43S Sec Gr 5 Row M
Long, John W.Jan 30, 189812-Apr-46S Sec Gr 6 Row M
Spair, Jennie ElizabethFeb 06, 187629-Nov-54S Sec Gr 7 Row M
Spair, Cecil ElishaJul 02, 18764-Jan-62S Sec Gr 8 Row M
Johnson, Esther Ellen WagonerJul 17, 18977-Feb-91S Sec Gr 9 Row M
Wagoner, John P.Apr 15, 18932-Aug-66S Sec Gr 10 Row M
Jones, Walter Stephen23-Dec-1920-Jul-47S Sec Gr 11 Row M
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row M
Garber, Lowell W.7-Jan-3614-Jul-66S Sec Gr 13 Row M
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row M
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 15 Row M
Bowmen, Mary EthelOct 12, 18899-Apr-88S Sec Gr 1 Row N
Bowmen, Noah WebsterFeb 16, 188522-Feb-71S Sec Gr 2 Row N
Frantz, Michael Markey7-Mar-4023-Dec-57S Sec Gr 3 Row N
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 4 Row N
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 5 Row N
Chastain, Sarah Martha16-Mar-5819-Mar-58S Sec Gr 6 Row N
Wray, Kenneth Edward28-Jan-481-May-66S Sec Gr 7 Row N
Wray, Sylvia Katherine25-Feb-2420-Apr-82S Sec Gr 8 Row N
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 9 Row N
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row N
Wolf, KatherineOct 31, 18931-Mar-80S Sec Gr 11 Row N
Wolf, James T.7-Apr-0128-Feb-67S Sec Gr 12 Row N
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row N
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row N
Miller, (Infant Son)Dec 13, 1966 13-Dec-66S Sec Gr 15 Row N
Barton, JohnJul 06, 188917-Jan-73S Sec Gr 1 Row O
Barton, Fanny OrphaAug 28, 189327-Nov-73S Sec Gr 2 Row O
Wolf, Hazel Anna13-Mar-206-Jun-67S Sec Gr 3 Row O
Dutter, Edna Marea17-Aug-0328-Jan-85S Sec Gr 4 Row O
Dutter, George C.Feb 24, 189521-Nov-68S Sec Gr 5 Row O
Flora, Orpha LuellaDec 30, 189711-Sep-83S Sec Gr 6 Row O
Flora, Lawrence ElmerJan 13, 189016-Jul-75S Sec Gr 7 Row O
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row O
Beachler, Delbert Edwin9-Sep-3116-Dec-70S Sec Gr 9 Row O
Benedict, Benjamin22-Jan-7122-Jan-71S Sec Gr 10 Row O
Benedict, Michael Edward15-Feb-7814-Jan-80S Sec Gr 10 Row O
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 11 Row O
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row O
Selby, Paul Robert12-May-5222-Sep-68S Sec Gr 13 Row O
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row O
Selby, Lloyd Eben2-Sep-2022-Nov-87S Sec Gr 15 Row O
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 1 Row P
Grover, Mary Ellen7-Apr-2513-Sep-71S Sec Gr 2 Row P
Rumble, Flossie AliceMar 30, 189725-Mar-84S Sec Gr 3 Row P
Rumble, Charles JosephNov 23, 189915-Mar-84S Sec Gr 4 Row P
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 5 Row P
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 6 Row P
Bowman, Larry Gene28-Nov-5123-Jan-73S Sec Gr 7 Row P
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row P
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 9 Row P
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row P
Wray, Samuel Lee5-Nov-1830-May-75S Sec Gr 11 Row P
Moore, Edward Lewis4-Jun-2228-Aug-79S Sec Gr 12 Row P
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row P
Brubaker, Anna Eliza21-Oct-0428-Jul-82S Sec Gr 14 Row P
Brubaker, Lloyd Benjamin17-Nov-0030-Apr-81S Sec Gr 15 Row P
Beachler, Howard C.Sep 22, 189923-Jun-73S Sec Gr 1 Row Q
Beachler, Gladys Ethel27-Jun-038-Sep-79S Sec Gr 2 Row Q
Burger, Mary AlmaNov 19, 1892Sep 26, 1979 S Sec Gr 3 Row Q
Burger, William HenrySep 10, 189629-Dec-73S Sec Gr 4 Row Q
Brown, Della E.26-Apr-127-Jun-76S Sec Gr 5 Row Q
Bowman, Joel Harvey1-Oct-0328-Sep-86S Sec Gr 6 Row Q
Bowman, Nancy ElizaMar 23, 18984-Feb-83S Sec Gr 7 Row Q
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row Q
Frantz, Clarence6-Mar-085-Apr-89S Sec Gr 9 Row Q
Frantz, Ida Mae26-Mar-0828-Mar-77S Sec Gr 10 Row Q
Cover, Weltha MarionNov 29, 189310-Sep-80S Sec Gr 11 Row Q
Cover, Joseph ImmelFeb 24, 189113-Nov-75S Sec Gr 12 Row Q
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row Q
Miller, Raymond EarlSep 09, 189810-Nov-71S Sec Gr 14 Row Q
Miller, Richard Allen13-Jun-3217-Mar-83S Sec Gr 15 Row Q
Rumble, Hubert LeeFeb 01, 189826-Mar-79S Sec Gr 1 Row R
Rumble, Clara EthelJan 29, 189810-Jul-87S Sec Gr 2 Row R
Lynch, Anita Jane25-Nov-4229-Mar-79S Sec Gr 3 Row R
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 4 Row R
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 5 Row R
Wise, Isaac Samuel6-Apr-1028-Dec-90S Sec Gr 6 Row R
Selby, Mark Edward13-Apr-534-Aug-94S Sec Gr 7 Row R
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row R
Beachler, Ella Mae7-Jan-085-Oct-83S Sec Gr 9 Row R
Shumake, Savilla Mellis26-Nov-1016-Jul-87S Sec Gr 10 Row R
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 11 Row R
Wells, Ruth Ellen5-Feb-1220-Jan-83S Sec Gr 12 Row R
Garrett, Ruth Emma Duncan10-Jun-1411-Feb-87S Sec Gr 13 Row R
Duncan, Kewpie Ilo Prudence29-Apr-133-Aug-96S Sec Gr 14 Row R
Duncan, Charles Samuel15-Nov-0318-May-81S Sec Gr 15 Row R
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 1 Row S
Barton, Esther Eileen12-Nov-3015-Dec-81S Sec Gr 2 Row S
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 3 Row S
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 4 Row S
Landes, Ralph W.20-Jan-08Nov 24. 1983S Sec Gr 5 Row S
Bowman, Orville Walton8-Oct-0723-May-84S Sec Gr 6 Row S
Bowman, Margaret Susan22-Jan-075-Jan-91S Sec Gr 7 Row S
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row S
Perkins, MildredAug 29, 189626-Oct-88S Sec Gr 9 Row S
Bauman, Pearl MaeJan 14, 18981-Mar-84S Sec Gr 10 Row S
Bauman, Roy ErnestSep 23, 189531-Oct-89S Sec Gr 11 Row S
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row S
Fisher, Doris Fern30-Apr-1930-Jan-84S Sec Gr 13 Row S
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row S
Denlinger, Ira Thomas28-Jan-1514-Mar-83S Sec Gr 15 Row S
Young, Sr. Elwin Elijah15-Mar-0728-Jan-85S Sec Gr 1 Row T
Young, Thelma Dean27-Sep-012-Apr-86S Sec Gr 2 Row T
Jarboe, Kathryn Margaret31-Jul-0123-Aug-88S Sec Gr 3 Row T
Jarboe, Ora SamuelMar 18, 18992-Nov-85S Sec Gr 4 Row T
Jarboe, Warren Eugene3-Mar-2229-Jun-85S Sec Gr 5 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 6 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 7 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 9 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row T
Denlinger, Melvin Emerson4-May-0720-Apr-85S Sec Gr 11 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row T
Selby, Joel EbenApr 01,1984Feb 01,1985S Sec Gr 13 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row T
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 15 Row T
Oyler, Joseph Loyd30-Dec-1022-Apr-86S Sec Gr 1 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 2 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 3 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 4 Row U
Landes, Sarah Elizabeth10-Aug-8318-Mar-88S Sec Gr 5 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 6 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 7 Row U
Fountain, June Eldora21-Mar-00Feb 01. 1989 S Sec Gr 8 Row U
Fountain, William HerbertSep 11, 18965-Oct-89S Sec Gr 9 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row U
Shirk, Alexander Bibens16-Jun-2328-Sep-87S Sec Gr 11 Row U
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row U
Kline, Edyth Mae26-Feb-16Jun 18. 1984S Sec Gr 13 Row U
Kline, Floyd Ganer14-May-0422-Jan-89S Sec Gr 14 Row U
Ellis, Francis William8-Nov-095-Jul-84S Sec Gr 15 Row U
Wolfe, William19-May-2120-Mar-90S Sec Gr 1 Row V
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 2 Row V
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 3 Row V
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 4 Row V
Lavy, Nathan David4-Oct-894-Oct-89S Sec Gr 5 Row V
Moore, May Elizabeth30-Oct-7220-Jan-95S Sec Gr 6 Row V
Moore, Tyler Aaron20-Jan-9520-Jan-95S Sec Gr 6 Row V
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 7 Row V
Brubaker, Margie Dorothy24-Jun-1911-Jun-90S Sec Gr 8 Row V
Brubaker, Clarence Clifford15-Jun-1221-Jun-96S Sec Gr 9 Row V
Skiles, Alice ElizabethNov 04, 189615-Aug-92S Sec Gr 10 Row V
Skiles, Ora SamuelNov 16, 189717-Jul-89S Sec Gr 11 Row V
Cover, Elizabeth4-Dec-0122-Aug-93S Sec Gr 12 Row V
Cover, James DavidSep 28, 18987-Mar-94S Sec Gr 13 Row V
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 14 Row V
Buckley, Carl Eliot13-May-209-Apr-89S Sec Gr 15 Row V
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 1 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 2 Row W
Wagner, Krislyn Hope1-Jul-961-Jul-96S Sec Gr 3 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 4 Row W
Haney, Leona MarieJan 09 1909Aug 18 1995S Sec Gr 5 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 6 Row W
Bauman, Arlene Ruth6-Sep-44Jan 26 1996S Sec Gr 7 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 8 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 9 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 10 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 11 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 12 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 13 Row W
Etter, Winter Herman13-Jun-1411-Dec-96S Sec Gr 14 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 15 Row W
Reserved- - -- - -S Sec Gr 1 Row X
Rumble, Barbara Wills22-Apr-314-Dec-96S Sec Gr 2 Row X